Monday, 8 June 2015



                         Hundreds of cyclists rode through the streets of Cardiff naked to protests against dangerous cycle routes           Hundreds of cyclists rode through the streets of Cardiff naked to protests against dangerous cycle routes
Every year, in cities around the world, people ride bikes naked to celebrate cycling and the human body.  The ride demonstrates the vulnerability of cyclists on the road and is a protest against car culture.

The dress code left nothing to the imagination and the message from riders was clear - see us on the roads even when we're not naked.
Hundreds of cyclists stripped off for the World Naked Bike Ride in Cardiff on Sunday (yesterday).  According to Wales Online, leaving from Sophia Gardens, the 8.5-mile event was organized to raise awareness of what facilities urban cyclists need.
Organizers added: "It draws attention to society's need to escape motor vehicle dependency and focuses on the power and individuality of the human being."  "It is also a day you will never forget in a carnival type atmosphere."
Those who took part were asked to dress up their cycles but not their bodies....Loool

 "Nudity makes a great statement, and many of us will be completely naked again this year and the more that are the better - but if you're more comfortable in a little clothing, that's fine too," said organizers.
"Some people find that wearing body paint makes them feel not naked, even if they might not be wearing any clothes. "On previous rides, riders wore shorts, bras, swimwear, body paint, head-dresses, wigs, sunglasses etc.  Most wore footwear and brought bags to carry clothes.
"Some started the ride in a few clothes, and shed them during the ride.
"Body painting and adornment, customized bikes, portable seed-trays and other creative expression are all strongly encouraged."
My Naija/African peeps what have you to say about this game?  Will you join for the London ride in June?

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