Thursday, 4 June 2015

#Prayer That Brings Miracle: Thank You Jesus

Do you believe in Miracles? Do you believe that Prayer can conquer all ills? Do you believe  that our God is a God of Miracles?  Are you in need of special miracle? If  yes then start doing the 'Thank you Jesus' Rosary.  As you do the Novena Prayer, you will see God at work.

Firstly, to start the prayer of ‘Thank You Jesus’ make the sign of the cross, kiss the Eucharistic Cross, say our Lord Jesus Christ, I am here to thank you for what you have done for me, for my past life, present and future and also for what you have suffered for me in Gethsemane; finally, for giving yourself entirely as food of my soul under the appearance of bread and wine in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Secondly, start with; Oh! Thank You Jesus on the first red bead and the three following beads will be, "Thank You Jesus". The whole white ten beads will also be "Thank you Jesus" while the red beads will be; Oh! Thank you Jesus”. Say this Rosary five times( each time will be equivalent to 200 Thank yous) and it will be 1,000 times of thanks you have bestowed on our Lord. At the end of the Thank You Jesus Rosary, you can simply stop or end by kissing the Eucharistic cross and say Thank you and The Glory Be to the Father and the son and the holy spirit AMEN. 

Give it a trial, it works perfectly..... you can get the rosary from any Catholic bookshops or Parishes around you.


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